ift-guidelines: English translations now available

January 9th, 2014. The English versions of the ift guidelines to “Warm Edge” are available now for purchase from the new ift online-shop for literature:

  • ift-guideline WA-08/2 “Thermally improved spacers – Part 1:
    Determination of the representative Psi-values of window profile sections here
  • ift-Richtlinie WA-17/1 “Thermally improved spacers – Part 2:
    Determination of the equivalent thermal conductivity by means of measurement here

BF-webinars 1st half of 2014

January 6th, 2014. With the following webinar topics, again, I will take an active part in the seminar program of the BF Bundesverband Flachglas for spring/summer 2014:

February 19th, 2014
Spacers / Warm edge – Basics
February 27th, 2014
Spacers / Warm edge – Thermo-technical properties
March 11th, 2014
Spacers / Warm edge – Practice
April 24th, 2014
Glass failure – Basics
May 13th, 2014
Glass failure – Specifics/Concentration

These online tutorials are all held in German language. They take approximately one hour each and shall give a first overview about the topics. More in detail and furthermore available in english language as well are my on-site-workshops.

Information about the BF-Webinar-program is available here (in German):

Only new BF data sheets valid

January 6th, 2014. This is just to remind on time, at the beginning of 2014, that old BF-data sheets “Psi-values for windows” with representative Psi-values simulated from individual material values have lost their validity. According to a decision of the BF Working Group “Warm Edge”, from now on only data sheets with Psi-values determined with the measured equivalent thermal conductivity of the spacer are valid.

My recommendation: Do not save data sheet copies locally on your computer. In case of need just download the data sheets always newly from the website of the BF Bundesverband Flachglas. This will ensure that you are always up-to-date.

You can find the link on my literature list, or directly here.