May 28th, 2015. There are different approaches to thermally improved glass edge bond: hollow profile bars (“rods”) made from materials with low thermal conductivity, flexible foam spacers on coils or thermoplastic material from drums. You can find an overview of the presently offered “rods” in my latest article in issue 5/2015 of GLASWELT here, including a glimpse at the future of warm edge (Article is in German language).
BF Technical Webinars: Autumn/Winter Semester 2015
May 3rd, 2015. The new BF-Webinar program (in German language) is available now – restructured, cleared and more organized. The basic courses are offered autumn/winter 2015, the courses of spring/summer 2016 will be based on them. You can find a description of the full webinar program in the new BF-Webinar-Flyer here (sorry, only available in German language).
My contribution to the autumn/winter program this year are two webinars:
Wednesday, October 14th, 2015, 10:00 “Abstandhalter / Warme Kante – Teil 1” (spacers / warm edge part 1)
Monday, December 7th, 2015, 10:00 “Glasbruch – Teil 1” (glass breakage part 1)
Registration for interested parties is quick and easy through the BF websites here. The fee per webinar and participating company is 95 EUR.
Dates for the autumn/spring webinars in 2016 are not yet fixed, but I will offer the following topics:
Abstandhalter / Warme Kante – Teil 2 (spacers / warm edge part 2)
Glasbruch – Teil 2 (glass breakage part 2)
Sprossen (new) (muntin/georgian bars)
Kondensation bei Isolierglas (new) (Condensation on insulating glass)
As soon as the dates are available, I will announce them on this page.
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