March 31st, 2016. Glazing bars (Muntin or Georgian Bars, “Sprossen”) are an indispensible instrument to design the appearance of buildings. But not only aluminum spacers in the edge bond of insulating glass elements are thermally-wise disadvantageous. Bars between the panes of a multiple glazing create thermal discontinuities, that have to be taken into consideration when determining the Uw-value of windows.
In my new webinar “Sprossen” for the BF (German Federal Flat Glass Association) on Wednesday, April 13th, 2016, I will explain why such glazing bars occur on windows at all, which types of bars are possible with multiple plane insulating glass and how Muntin/Georgian windows can be determined thermally-wise in a fairer manner compared to the high surcharges from the product standard for windows, EN 14351-1. (The webinar will be in German language).
Online-signup to the BF-Webinars is possible here.
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