Ingrid Quel @en

Please note

December 9th, 2014. The office of the Consultant for warm edge and glass has been moved from Herrenberg to Boeblingen, closer to the captital of the German federal state Baden-Wuerttemberg. Please note the new contact data at the bottom of these pages.

As soon as everything is unpacked, you will find here again regular contributions to the subject of thermally improved insulating glass spacers, glass and other related topics.

Safe and tight?

June 16th, 2014. During all those discussions about the third position after the decimal point of Psi-values, sometimes I miss other important aspects of insulating glass, like for example the durability of the edge bond. World’s best warm edge system would be worth nothing, if it allows for the gas fill to leak from the gap between the panes, because this worsens the Ug-value. Or if the unit fails untimely, because humidity can get into the gap and condensate on the inner glass surfaces. In my latest article for the magazin GLASWELT, I explain what is important for the processing of warm edge spacer systems and for the quality of insulating glass units. You can read the article in German language here.

BF-Webinars 2nd half of 2013

August 1st, 2013. With the following webinar topics, I am again included in the seminar program fall/winter 2013 of the BF Bundesverband Flachglas:

October 10th, 2013
Spacers / Warm edge – Basics
October 17th, 2013
Spacers / Warm edge – Thermo-technical properties
November 7th, 2013
Spacers / Warm edge – Practice
November 21st, 2013
Glass failure – Basics
December 19th, 2013
Glass failure – Specifics/Concentration

These online tutorials are all held in German language. They take approximately one hour each and shall give a first overview about the topics. More in detail and furthermore available in english language as well are my on-site-workshops.

Information about the BF-Webinar-program is available here (in German):

On 01. August 2013|By |Dates|0 Comments