December 9th, 2014. In a contribution to the column “Pro & Contra” of the October issue of the German magazine GFF-Magazins [here], I anticipated no quantum leaps regarding warm edge technology, shown on Glasstec 2014 in Duesseldorf. During my visit of this spectacular event, I could verify my point of view – no revolutionary new material or machine technology were exhibited, but I found an increase in options for existing solutions, and that both regarding material and machines for processing. You can find details in my latest article in GFF-Magazin, issue 12/2014 [here], (I apologize that it is all in German language.)
Please note
December 9th, 2014. The office of the Consultant for warm edge and glass has been moved from Herrenberg to Boeblingen, closer to the captital of the German federal state Baden-Wuerttemberg. Please note the new contact data at the bottom of these pages.
As soon as everything is unpacked, you will find here again regular contributions to the subject of thermally improved insulating glass spacers, glass and other related topics.
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