warm edge

BF Bulletin 004 Guide to Warm Edge – 5th Update available now!

Böblingen, 5.8.2022. It was about time: The BF Bulletin 004 “Guide to Warm Edge” has been updated once again. The fifth revision from May 2022 is available now.

In addition to thermal aspects of the thermally improved insulating glass edge bond, the Warm Edge working group has now also dealt with questions relating to the systems’ suitability for use. In several sub-projects, the properties of spacers that can influence the durability of insulating glass units were investigated. For this purpose, test methods were developed in basic projects, according to which all spacer systems that have a BF data sheet with representative Psi values ​​were then tested.

These criteria include, for example, the linear thermal expansion of rigid spacer hollow profiles, but also the question of whether volatile substances could be released at higher temperatures, which show up as a visible deposit on the glass surface in the space between the panes (fogging). The bonding strength of profiles that are made up of several components and the UV resistance of systems with plastic components are also among the issues. You can find out more about that in this post.

In the meantime, some of these tests have been introduced as further requirements for a BF data sheet to be issued. In addition, explanations of different spacer categories have been included in the Bulletin.

The BF Bulletin 004 Guide to Warm Edge is available in four language versions with explanations on the use of the BF data sheets, either for free download on the BF website, or directly here (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch und Polnisch).

On 05. August 2022|By |Miscellaneous @en|Comments Off on BF Bulletin 004 Guide to Warm Edge – 5th Update available now!

Update on Warm Edge

February 9th, 2021. With the title “Das ist der Stand bei Warmer Kante”, another article by the warm edge consultant on the situation of warm edge was published in issue 2-2021 of the GFF magazine. You can read here (in German language) which systems are currently available on the market, how they are divided into different categories according to EN 1279-1 and what the rules of EN 1279-1 Annex D are all about when replacing components.

In the same issue, an interview with the warm edge consultant on frequently asked questions was published (in German language), which you can find here as well.

On 09. February 2021|By |Miscellaneous @en|Comments Off on Update on Warm Edge

Another inventory on warm edge

March 5th, 2018. Just in time for the trade fair “fensterbau frontale 2018” in Nuremberg, Germany, the most important event of the industry this March, you can find my latest article with an inventory on warm edge in the journal GFF-magazine in issue 3/2018  – or directly here (in German language).

As before, I explain the advantages of warm edge for insulating glass and discuss the question why there are still spacers made from aluminium.

BF Webinars Spring/Summer 2018

February 4th, 2018. After a longer break, the German Federal Flat Glass Association (Bundesverband Flachglas) offers again the webinar program of the technical training series (all webinars in German language). Basically, those webinars are open for everybody.  Especially for newcomers in the glass industry, they are an excellent opportunity to quickly get an overview of the required knowhow. Primarily, the webinars of the fall/winter season focus on topics for beginners, whereas the  spring/summer will provide webinars for deeper knowledge.

My contribution as a speaker for the spring/summer 2018 program will be:

  • 28.2.2018 at 10am Abstandhalter/Warme Kante II (insulating glass spacers/warm edge part 2)
  • 8.3.2018 at 10am  Glasbruch Teil II (glass breakage part 2)
  • 15.3.2018 at 2pm Sprossen (glazing bars)
  • 26.4.2018 at 10am Kondensation bei Isolierglas (condensation on insulating glass)

You can find more information on the topics of my webinars as well as the full program (in German language)  here.

The Online application on the BF websites is here.

On 04. February 2018|By |Dates|0 Comments

Warm edge – Update

April 15th, 2017. Not that long ago, during GLASSTEC 2016, several new spacer solutions for thermally improved glass edge bond were introduced. My latest article for the GLASWELT-magazine gives an updated overview of the systems and informs about the latest trends. You can find the article (in German language) here.

News from the “Warm Edge” Working Party

The BF data sheets – which list representative Psi-values for windows and for façade profiles – published by the Bundesverband Flachglas e.V. (“BF” = German Federal Flat Glass Association) are often used to determine UW– and UCW-values. This comparatively simple (but standard-conforming) method is well known in the market – far beyond the borders of Germany. A new project of the BF “Warm Edge” Working Party now aims to permanently ensure trustworthiness and reliability of the declared values. 

The representative Psi-values of the BF data sheets for windows and for façade profiles are calculated according to EN 10077-2 using the so-called equivalent thermal conductivity λeq,2B, (which is determined by measurement). The basis for this approach, as well as for the validity and application of these representative Psi-values are the three ift guidelines about thermally improved spacers, namely WA-08, WA-17 and WA-22. To declare the value of λeq,2B, three pairs of test specimen made from desiccant-filled and butyl-equipped spacers are measured, followed by a statistical evaluation. The value is shown on the BF data sheets on the bottom under ‘Two Box model Characteristic values’ in ‘Box 2’.

Picture: In the future, the value λeq,2B, declared on the BF data sheets shall be rechecked on a regular basis. The value is not suitable for a comparison of individual thermal performances of warm edge systems. For that purpose, only the indicative Psi-values shall be used, because they also include the influence of the spacer height h2.

Apart from a few exceptions, the sole difference in calculating warm edge systems are the input data λeq,2B and the height h2 of the spacer box 2. Therefore, the value λeq,2B is particularly important. It determines the Psi-values which are the most important performance factors of spacer manufacturers in their daily competition.

Consequently, during their last meeting on February 9th, 2017, the members of the BF “Warm Edge” Working Party have agreed a voluntary commitment to scrutinize the equivalent thermal conductivity values λeq,2B every two years. This shall allow the detection of any deviations compared with the original measurements, and as an additional benefit will provide the security that the values declared on the BF data sheets are still correct. The costs of the procedure will be borne by the respective spacer manufacturers.

The measurements shall exclusively be made by ift Rosenheim. It is worth emphasizing that the samples for these check measurements shall be collected from the spacer processing companies in the market, and not supplied by the spacer manufacturers themselves.

From 1st of January 2017, the RAL Gütegemeinschaft Mehrscheiben-Isolierglas e. V. (“GMI” = German Multi-Pane Insulating Glass Quality Association) has already implemented an external monitoring of the insulating glass components spacer, sealants and desiccant. It aspires to later include the control of λeq,2B, planned to be done every two years, into the ‘RAL-GMI Quality monitoring and testing standards for multi-pane insulating glass’.

As of the first re-measurement, the currently valid BF data sheets, available online on the BF websites, will be equipped with an expiration date of validity. The first check and new dating of the data sheets shall take place in 2018.

The „Warm Edge“ Working Group

The ‘Warm Edge’ working group is a subcommittee of the Technical Committee of Bundesverband Flachglas. The participants in the working group are members and sponsoring members of BF. Scientific support for the working group is provided by Prof. Dr. Franz Feldmeier, Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences and by Mr. Norbert Sack, ift Rosenheim.

This is a press release of BF Bundesverband Flachglas and ift Rosenheim of March 2017



BF Bulletin 004 – typo gremlins got into the works

March 28th, 2017. Unfortunately, the typo gremlins got into the last version of the BF Bulletin 004 “Guide to ‘Warm Edge’ for windows and facades”, and that of all things in the formulas for the calculation of Uw and Ucw. Immediately upon discovery the typos were corrected. As of now, the latest version (Modification index 4, March 2017) is available for free download on the BF websites. Or you can directly get to the pdf-files of the Bulletin in German language here, to the English version here, and to the French please click here.

BF-Bulletin 004 ‘Guide to warm edge’ now available in English and French

September 19th, 2016. The BF-Bulletin 004 ‘Guide to warm edge for windows and facades’ is a good introduction to the topic of warm edge. It is a manual for the often used BF-data sheets with representative Psi-values for windows and for facade profiles and explains the boundary conditions for the use of the BF-data sheets according to ift-guideline WA-08 (windows) and WA-22 (facades).

By the request of many, the bulletin was translated into English and French language.

You can find both versions on the literature page of my website, or you can directly download the English paper here and the French one here.

BF Technical Webinars Autumn/Winter 2016

September 19th, 2016. With some delay, I would like to draw attention to the next events of the training series BF Technology Webinars, offered by the BF Bundesverband Flachglas (German Federal Flat Glass Association). Basically, those webinars are open for everybody (but they are all in German language). Primarily, the webinars of this season focus on topics for beginners, whereas the next term in spring will provide webinars for deeper knowledge.

My contribution this time will be the webinar ‘Glasbruch – Teil I’ (Glass breakage – part 1), on November 29th, 2016. The date for my webinar about warm edge part 1 is already over, but in springtime 2017, more webinars will follow.

You can find the full webinar program of the present term including a description of their contents and the speakers and the online-application on the BF-websites here.

On 19. September 2016|By |Dates|0 Comments

Thermal bridges with windows and facades

June 27th, 2016. Just want to mention my latest article, published in issue 3-2016 of the German building magazine “bauen+” of Fraunhofer IRB-Verlag/Bundesanzeiger Verlag. Article is in German language, with detailed information about warm edge. You can find it here.

For details about the magazine “bauen+” please look at www.bauenplus.de (website only available in German language).